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About RFA
About RFA
RFA got started one day when I was bored in school. We had just had a test, and I was just sittin' there, thinkin' up raps. I pulled out a piece of paper and started drawing clothes that I would want to where. I started drawing more. After school, me and my friend, Scott, thought up some more clothes. Some other guys wanted to help and I helped lead a guy named Chico Rodriguez to Christ. He soon started helping us and is the creator of our El Snoopy line(kind of like Platinum FUBU). So, that's how RFA got started. Here's some information about the people of RFA.

About the Creators of RFA: Chad Cooper
Yo, what's crack-a-lackin'? This is Chad (Pastor Rhymez) Cooper. I was the one that started drawing RFA clothing. If you would like to see some RFA clothing, e-mail me. But, for now, I'd like to tell you a lil' somethin' somethin' about myself. I live in Chi Town, or at least by it. I like to rap, play basketball, and chill.


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